What Are The Effective Schedule-Making Tips For UPSC? | Best UPSC IAS Coaching For Mentorship And Guidance

What Are The Effective Schedule-Making Tips For UPSC? | UPSC CSE

Scheduling Making Tips Schedule Making is one of the important aspects of time management and balancing a better daily routine. Scheduling helps you in many other ways which will bring balance and make us more disciplined. Today we are going to discuss effective scheduling and tips. 

Schedule Making Tips

1)Write down a to-do list: The simplest method for a better schedule is to write down all the tasks you have to complete. It might be a set of topics, balancing your work and study time, or doing other personal work. You can write down the list for the day or the whole week as well. By writing down the to-do list, it helps you to stay on time and complete the work. The satisfaction of ticking down the list motivates you to do better each day. 

2)Prioritize important tasks: Prioritizing the important works by underlining and starring makes you feel more organized. Like if a topic can be finished within 10-20minutes then do it first immediately. Not only in the matter of studying, but also in other works as well. If a work is done in a quick matter of time, just do it away and then go on to the next work. By doing the short work quickly, you can concentrate more on the tougher ones and give them more time. 

3)Organize your day by mapping out the time frames: Here you can digital programs or apps or you can also get a physical planner which will help you to organize your tasks in a day. Mostly our energy levels are high during the morning times, so try intensive work in the morning. So you can take care of the other small work during the afternoon and evening times. 

 4)Be disciplined: It is important to prepare your mind for sticking to the planner. Because it is quite common that bad habits can come in between and divert you from the routine. So to tackle this method, you can try the Pomodoro timer. You can set a time of 15 minutes in the beginning, and focus just on the subject or any task during these 15 minutes without thinking about anything else. After 15 minutes take a short break and get back to your 15 minutes again. Gradually increase the time and you will perform better daily. 

 5)Make time for self-improvement: Sometimes stress can tackle in between your routine. So to counterattack this situation you can do yoga, and breathing exercises in the early morning or listen to a calm podcast for a few minutes which will calm down your mind and help you to get back to work with full focus. Doing this lowers stress levels and also improves mental health. 

Conclusion For Schedule Making Tips

So this is all about effective scheduling and tips. Makes sure that you practice this each day and don’t give up in the middle. Scheduling is an amazing process and it will not only help in your studies but will help in making your life more disciplined.

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