
Unveiling The Thermosphere: Earth’s Fiery Upper Layer | UPSC Geography

The thermosphere is a fascinating layer of Earth’s atmosphere, located above the mesosphere and extending into outer space.

What is Thermosphere?

  • The thermosphere is the fourth layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, situated approximately 80 to 600 kilometers above the Earth’s surface.
  • It is known for its extremely high temperatures, which can reach up to 2,500 degrees Celsius (4,500 degrees Fahrenheit).

Temperature and Ionization:

  • Despite its scorching temperatures, the thermosphere doesn’t feel hot because of its low density.
  • The primary cause of the high temperatures is the absorption of solar energy by the few gas particles present.
  • Due to these intense temperatures, gas molecules in the thermosphere become ionized, meaning they lose or gain electrons, creating ions.

Aurora Borealis 

  • One of the most captivating phenomena associated with the thermosphere is the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) 
  • These breathtaking light displays occur when charged particles from the Sun collide with gas molecules in the thermosphere, causing them to emit colorful lights.

Satellite Orbits and Communication:

  • The thermosphere plays a vital role in satellite communication and navigation systems.
  • Satellites are strategically placed within the thermosphere because it allows them to stay in orbit for extended periods due to the lower atmospheric drag.
  • Additionally, the ionized gas in this layer reflects radio waves, making long-distance communication possible.

International Space Station (ISS):

  • The ISS, a remarkable symbol of human space exploration, orbits within the thermosphere.
  • This strategic positioning helps shield the ISS from harmful solar radiation and provides better conditions for scientific research.

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