What Are Intrusive Volcanic Landforms?-TopperMent

What Are Intrusive Volcanic Landforms? | UPSC Geography

Volcanic eruptions cause various effects on the earth. When the magma cools down within the crust of the earth then the rocks are formed. The landforms that are caused due to volcanic eruptions are called Volcanic landforms. 

It depends on the place where the magma completely cools down. There are two types of volcanic landforms. 1)Intrusive Landforms and 2)Extrusive Landforms. 

When the Magma that cools inside the earth’s crust takes various forms and these forms are called Intrusive landforms. There are various types of intrusive landforms. 


Batholiths are the type of landforms that formed because of the solidification of the hot magma inside the earth’s crust. The Batholiths are in the shape of large domes. We usually see the giant granite rocks that are formed at the core of the high mountains, which are Batholiths.


Laccoliths are also large dome-shaped bodies that are attached to the Batholiths with the help of pipe channels. These bodies are located at the depths of the earth’s crust just above the Batholiths. 


When the magma erupts and moves in the horizontal direction and finally rests in different forms in a weak plane these are called Lopoliths. They are in the form of a saucer. 


Phacoliths are lens-shaped plutons that are a wavy mass of igneous rocks. They mostly occupy the crest of an anticline or the syncline on the surface of the earth. 

5)Sills and Sheets When the lava moves in the horizontal direction wherever possible then the igneous rocks are formed in the same direction as well. The thick horizontal deposits of rocks are called the sills, and the thin horizontal deposits of the rocks are called sheets. 


When a volcanic eruption happens, magma tries its best to come out through all the possible cracks and fissures in the land. When the magma that is present in the cracks gets cooled down and forms a wall-like structure these are called Dykes. They are perpendicular to the earth’s crust. 

The volcanic landforms on the earth range in different shapes and sizes. It completely depends on the magma composition and the environment around it, and also the nature of the crust because it varies from region to region.

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