
Space Technology And Its Significance | UPSC Science and Technology

Space Technology is an amazing technology for traveling beyond Earth’s atmosphere, for purposes like space exploration. It includes space vehicles like space crafts, satellites, space stations, and launch vehicles. Many latest technologies arising from space-related ventures are being exploited in activities related to economic importance. 

Evolution Of Space Technology in India. 

1. In the year 1962, The Indian National committee for space research(INCOSPAR) was established by the Department of Atomic Energy.

2. In the year 1963, the first rocket was launched from TERLS. 

3. On August 15th, 1969, ISRO(Indian Space research organization) was formed.

4. India’s first ISRO Satellite, Aryabhatta was launched on 19th April 1975. 

5. ISRO’s PSLV-C7 launched four satellites on 10th January 2007. 

6. From Sriharikota, PSLV-C11 launched Chandrayaan-1 was launched on 22nd October 2008. 7. In the year 2021, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, inaugurated the National Metrology Conclave.

Challenges Of Space Technology 

The major challenges of space technology are: 

1. Protection of Humans 

2. Protection of Earth’s Environment. 

3. Low-Cost Space Technologies with better results. 

4. Technical challenges. 5. Large Space Structures. 

Objectives Of Space Technology 

Hundreds of satellites are designed for various aspects like remote sensing, weather forecasting, satellite television, navigation systems, GPS, and protecting the earth from outer space objects. The satellites revolve around the earth, observe the various weather changes, and give us the data in satellite images. They also help us alert the authorities whenever there is a chance of natural disasters.

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