Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Cracking the UPSC exam is no mean feat. It requires months of preparation, dedication, and work. And for mothers, it can be an even more daunting task as they juggle their responsibilities towards their families along with their aspirations of becoming civil servants. However, there have been many inspiring women who have successfully balanced motherhood and their dream of becoming civil servants and have emerged victorious.

Bala Latha Madam

Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Bala Latha Madam is a superwoman and her story is an inspiration to many. It is quite common that when we go through hardships, trials, and tribulations we tend to give up. But every trial has a solution towards the end. Bala Latha Madam’s life was not easy because she couldn’t walk due to Polio drops reaction. The world didn’t treat her the same way as other people.

But people started praising her when she became two times ranker within a gap of a decade and one of the top scorers in the optional PSIR(Political Science and International Relations) in the whole of India but that didn’t come as easy as that, she worked hard day and night like a to prepare for the examination. Before the interview, she fell downstairs, and she felt embarrassed and didn’t want to give the interview, but her father consoled her.

With her sheer determination and willpower, she went to the interview and cracked the UPSC exam twice. She was unstoppable, like a superwoman defying all odds and achieving her goals with unwavering perseverance and grit.

Before her posting, many aspirants started coming to her for doubts. That’s when Madam realized her love for teaching. She shifted to Hyderabad and worked in the morning and taught students all night. She loves her students like a parent.

Bala Latha Madam quoted that “ If I could do anything, anyone can do it.” She is an inspiration to millions of aspirants across India and she has achieved a feat that is not possible for physically challenged persons. Whenever you face a problem search for the solution, do not give up because miracles and success are just around the corner.

Anu Kumari Madam

Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Anu Kumari Madam’s story is a motivation for women across the story. She had to give up her well-established career, and had to live far away from her two year old child and studied for an exam that has low success rate, despite all these obstacles Anu Kumari madam overcame them in order to pass the UPSC examination in 2017. She belongs from a poor family and her family’s income was not sufficient and her mother had to sell milk.

When she wrote the examination for the first time, she was really concerned that if she failed the examination then it would be difficult to confront her family. Unfortunately, she failed the Prelims examination by one mark. The setback would have shattered many, but she remained steadfast towards her goal. She wanted to people to call her as Anu Kumari madam IAS.

In the second attempt, she only passed the exam. But also received an AIR 2 in the examination. Such determination is a testament of a mother’s will.

Shahnaz Illyas Madam

Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Shahnaz Illyas madam took a tough step in her life which was jumping into the UPSC exam during her maternity leave when she was in the final months of her pregnancy. She always dreamt about getting into government services, and with this zeal and passion she started self-preparing for the examination. With a baby bump, she attempted the TNPSC(Tamil Nadu Public Services Commission). She passed the examination in her first attempt at such a tough situation. 

Then she realized that she has the potential to clear the UPSC examination as well. But her baby needed her, then luckily her parents came to her support. During her preparation even she felt low sometimes but she was self-motivated.and cleared the UPSC examination in 2020. Self-motivation and assuring yourself during the tough times that you can do it is what you need. Pushp lata madam

Pushp lata madam

Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Mrs. Pushp Lata madam is a living proof that you can excel in multiple roles at the same time. Pushp Lata madam played the role of a wife, a mother and a daughter-in-law, and she cracked the tough civil service examination in 2017 with AIR 80 and she added the role of IAS officer into her life. As she decided to take the UPSC Journey, it was tough for her because there were family responsibilities on her shoulders. She had to manage her studies and do house chores. Despite all these situations, she was focused to achieve her UPSC target. 

Most of us get irritated by doing the household chores, but Pushp Lata madam found it as a refreshment. Whenever she got tired of studying, she started doing her house works. She had to manage her two-year-old infant. Throughout this journey, it was her determination that kept her strong. Pushp Lata Madam’s story tell us that whatever work you take up in your life do it with full determination and heart. She is an example of a strong woman who can adapt to anyone role at any time.

Shivangi Goyal Madam

Supermoms who cracked the UPSC Exam-Inspiring Stories Of Women Balancing Motherhood and Civil Services | TM Special

Shivangi Goyal madam is an example that you can overcome anything in life if you have the strong will to do it. Shivangi Goyal madam is a mother to a young girl, and she was also a victim of domestic violence. Despite these challenges, she aced the exam and secured the 177th rank in 2021

She faced domestic violence and harassment from her in-laws. Because of this she had to return to her parents with her child. After coming back, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an IAS officer. She studied with a lot of effort and attention and it finally paid off.Shivangi Goyal madam’s story tells us that in our lives some situations may scare us but we have the ability to stand on our own feet and do anything. Never lose hope and happiness in your lives.

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