States Of Matter: Understanding The Basics-TopperMent

States Of Matter: Understanding The Basics | UPSC Science and Technology

In the world around us, matter exists in various forms, and they are known as States of matter. Understanding the different states of matter is crucial to comprehending the behavior and properties of substances. 


Solids are one of the most common states of matter. They have a definite shape and volume, that means they maintain their form regardless of their container. In a solid, the particles are closely packed together, held in position by strong forces of attraction. These particles vibrate around fixed positions, imparting rigidity to the solid.

Examples: Wood, Metal, and Ice.


Liquids are another state of matter commonly encountered in everyday life. Unlike solids, liquids do not possess a definite shape, instead, they take the shape of their container. But they have a definite volume. The particles in a liquid are loosely packed and can move past one another allowing liquids to flow.

Examples: Water, oil, and milk.


Gases are the most free-flowing state of matter. They have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume. Gases fill the entire space available to them and they can expand indefinitely. The particles in a gas are far apart and move freely in all direction.

Examples: Air, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide

Understanding the states of matter is a fundamental concept to understand the physical world around us. Solid, liquids, and gases exhibit distinct properties and behaviors due to differences in the arrangement, motion, and interaction particles.

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