Mahavira's Teachings: A Guide to the Essential Principles of Jainism-TopperMent

Mahavira’s Teachings: A Guide to the Essential Principles of Jainism | UPSC History

Lord Mahavira was the last Tirthankara and he is considered the founder of Jainism. At the age of 30, Lord Mahavira decided to leave home in search of spiritual awakening. He taught people how to live and lead a quality life through his teachings. Here are the five most important teachings of Lord Mahavira 

Ahimsa(Non-Violence) Under this amazing teaching, Lord Mahavira teaches that we should always follow the path of non-violence, and not cause any harm to any living being. He further explained that a person should not harm any living creature on this planet in any way whether it is through speech, intent, or action. 

Satya(Truthfulness) In this teaching, Lord Mahavira teaches everyone to speak harmless truth only. He says that the person should be true to oneself and others. Speaking the truth is always rewarding and it is one of the main aspects to lead an honest life every day. 

Asetya(Non-Stealing) Lord Mahavira clearly tells us that one shouldn’t take anything that has not been given to them. Whatever it is, whether it is wealth, remuneration for work, or anything else, do not indulge in any form of theft. It is important that you should choose the right path to earn something. 

Aparigraha(Non-attachment) In this teaching, Lord Mahavira said that a person should be free from materialistic attraction and temptations, and also worldly possessions. Because materialistic possessions have a tendency to make a person greedy for more. That is why detachment would free the person and create a path for Aparigraha. 

Brahmacharya(Celibacy) One of the most important teachings of Lord Mahavira is to practice Brahmacharya. In simple words, Brahmacharya means staying away from extramarital affairs and sexual intercourse, and sensual pleasures. 

The teachings of Lord Mahavira are helpful to add more quality to one’s life. Many disciples of Lord Mahavira follow these teachings, and the path that is guided by him and lead quality and honest life.

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