Mahavira: The Life and Teachings of the Founder of Jainism -TopperMent

Mahavira: The Life and Teachings of the Founder of Jainism | UPSC History

Mahavira also known as Vardhamana was the 24th supreme preacher(Tirthankara) of Jainism. He was the spiritual successor of the 23rd supreme preacher Parshvanantha. Mahavira revived and preached Jainism throughout ancient India. 

Birth Of Mahavira 

1. According to Sevtambara tradition, Mahavira was born in March or April 599 BCE. His father was King Siddartha, and his mother was Queen Trishala. 

2. At the age of 30, Mahavira gave up all his materialistic assets and left home in search of spiritual enlightenment. He resigned his status and fortune and fled from his kingdom to live as an ascetic in the woods. 

3. Mahavira exposed himself to the elements of nature, mortified the flesh, and fasted. He never got disturbed by the temptations. 

4. At the age of 43, while sitting beneath a Sala tree. Mahavira attained complete omniscience. 

5. Mahavira’s story is first recorded in the Acaranga which was written 300 years after his death. 

Life of Mahavira 

1. Mahavira lived a simple life as a householder. He wandered from place to place after he left his luxurious life at the kingdom. 

2. He didn’t stay in a hamlet for more than a day, and he didn’t stay in a town for more than five days. 

3. After 12 years of rigorous penance, Mahavira obtained full knowledge and he introduced Jainism throughout the world. He spoke his first sermon and 11 Brahmins became his disciples, they are also called Nirgranthas. 

4. Mahavira preached for eight months in a year and spent four months in a town during the rainy season. He preached Jainism in Champa, Vaisali, Rajagriha, Mithila, and others for thirty years. 

5. He also paid frequent visits to Magadha’s king Bimbisara and Ajatasatru. In the year 527 BC, Avanti’s King Chandra pradyota converted to Jainism. 

6. Mahavira lived at the same time as Gautama Buddha, and he believed that Parsva’s teaching are the foundation of Jainism. 

Mahavira was a natural leader and promoted equality among the people. He avoided social connection and other temptations with the outer world as much as possible. There are many temples that are dedicated to Mahavira,

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