India Missile System: A Brief Overview-TopperMent

India Missile System: A Brief Overview | UPSC Science and Technology

India has made significant strides in the development of its missile systems in the past few decades. The country’s missile programs are critical to its national security, as they serve as a potent deterrent against potential aggressors. 

Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS)

India’s BMDS is a two-tiered system consisting of the Prithvi Air Defense(PAD) and the Advanced Air Defense(AAD). The PAD can intercept incoming missiles at ranges of up to 80 km, while the AAD can intercept targets at altitudes of up to 30 km. The system is designed to defend against short and medium-range ballistic missiles.

Agile and Advanced Systems

India has also developed a range of advanced missile systems that are agile and versatile. These include the BrahMos cruise missile, the Agni series of ballistic missiles, and the Prithvi series of surface-to-surface missiles. These systems are capable of striking targets at various ranges and altitudes and are designed to be launched from various platforms, including land, sea, and air.

Missile Test Range

India has a dedicated missile test range located at Wheeler Island off the coast of Odisha. The Integrated Test Range (ITR) is one of the world’s largest missile testing facilities and has been instrumental in the development and testing of India’s missile systems.

Nuclear Capability

India is one of the few countries in the world to possess nuclear-capable missile systems. The Agni series of ballistic missiles, which includes the Agni-IV and Agni-V, are capable of carrying nuclear warheads and have a range of up to 5,500 km. The Surya missile, which is still under development, is expected to have a range of up to 16,000 km and is also nuclear-capable.

India’s missile systems are a critical component of its national security strategy. The country has made significant strides in the development and testing of its missile systems in the past few decades. With its advanced missile systems, India is capable of defending against potential threats and projecting power in the region.

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