How yoga helps students in physical and mental health? | Best UPSC IAS Coaching For Mentorship And Guidance

How yoga helps students in physical and mental health? | Yoga And Mindfulness

Yoga has been a great aspect with amazing benefits and it is also a popular workout method that has amazing benefits for both physical and mental health. Yoga combines movement, poses, and breathing exercises into routines to help our health and well-being. Today we will be discussing how yoga helps students in physical and mental health. 

Yoga For Physical Health

Yoga has various poses or asanas that involve a gradual stretch of muscle that improves the flexibility of the various muscle groups of our body. As a student who is preparing for competitive exams, you must keep your body in good shape and be in healthy condition. 

Regular yoga practice improves body functions like respiration, heart rate, lowers blood pressure and keeps cardiovascular health problems, and helps in reducing chronic back pain or joint pain. 

Yoga For Mental Health

It is quite common that students to sit for long hours for preparing for competitive exams and by sitting for quite some time they might get back pains or other problems. Yoga can help in that aspect as well. Practicing yoga daily will bring a positive effect on the student’s mood, behavior, and overall mental health in various ways. 

For students, daily yoga practice brings increased concentration, relaxation, and peace of mind, and helps them to relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, and other problems. Yoga can bring mental clarity and calmness when the students combine meditation with yoga consistently. It will also help you to develop high willpower and tolerance towards yourself and others. 

So this is all about how yoga can help students with physical and mental health. Investing 30-40minutes of your time daily to practice yoga can help the students in the longer run.

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