How many types of Buddhist literature are there? -TopperMent

How many types of Buddhist literature are there? | UPSC History

Buddhist texts are the religious text. The oldest and surviving Buddhist works are the Gandharan Buddhist texts that are found in Afghanistan and written in Gandhari

The first texts were initially passed on orally by Buddhist monks and were later written down and composed as manuscripts in various Indian languages. There are two types of early Buddhist literature: Canonical and Non-Canonical writings. 

Canonical Texts 

Canonical texts are those that describe religion and values. The canonical texts are divided into three different texts again that are Sutta Pitaka, Vinaya Pitaka, and Abhidhamma Pitaka.

· In the Sutta Pitaka, the dialogues of Buddha’s discourse on various problems, and some texts are included that are believed to contain what the Gautama Buddha himself said to his disciples. 

· In the Vinaya Pitaka, has the records of the rules of conduct and discipline that should be followed by the monks during their monastic life. · In the Abhidhamma Pitaka, the philosophical analysis and teaching and the scholarly activity of the monks are written. 

Non-canonical texts

· Milinda Panha: Questions of Milinda were composed around 100 BC. The book has the conversation between Indo-Greek King Menander I and sage Nagasena.

· Commentaries on the Tripitaka by Buddhaghosha.

· The Nidanakatha contains the Buddha’s first connected life story. 

· The Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa are the historical accounts of the Buddha’s life, councils, and Maurya emperor Ashoka.Buddhism literature was transmitted by oral tradition and it was written down in the 1st and 2nd Centuries. The concept of Ahimsa and the teachings of Buddha are the recognized books of Buddhism. The teachings contributed to the development of a new language called Pali and other local languages.

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