What is the difference between soil and rocks? | Best UPSC IAS Coaching For Mentorship And Guidance

What is the difference between soil and rocks? | UPSC Geography

Soil and rocks are an important part of Geography, and they help us to understand the earth in detail. Today we will be discussing in detail the difference between soil and rock. 

Soil is defined as an unconsolidated material that comprises solid particles and voids. The void comprises either air only, water, or both air, and water. If the void is totally occupied by water, then the soil is said to be saturated soil and if the void is totally occupied by air, then the soil is said to be dry soil. 

On the other side, Rock is defined as a natural aggregate of mineralogical composition that is bounded by strong and cohesive force. Rocks are one of the essential types of construction material used from ancient times. Rocks are formed when the modern magma gets cools down after reaching the earth’s surface. 

Soil is prepared when the disintegration of rock occurs. Rocks are hard, and the soil is loose. Rocks are used as masonry to construct walls and foundations. Soil is used as filling materials on construction sites. Rocks are hard and impermeable, soils are porous and permeable. 

There are two types of soils that are Residual soils, and transported soils. Residual soil remains at the place of formation of soils after the disintegration of rocks. 

The transported soil is transported to a fair distance from one place to another due to the action of geological agents like wind, water, and glacier. There are three types of rocks that are Igneous rocks, Sedimentary rocks, and Metamorphic rocks. 

Igneous rocks are that are the types of rocks that are formed by the cooling down of molten lava. Example of igneous rocks is Diorite, Gabbro, Granite, Pegmatite, and Peridotite. 

Sedimentary rocks are the type of rocks that are formed by the gathering or deposition of mineral or organic particles at the Earth’s surface or underwater bodies. Examples of sedimentary rocks are sandstone, limestone, and shale. 

Metamorphic rocks are the rocks that are formed by the action of pressure and temperature of igneous and sedimentary rocks. Examples of metamorphic rocks are Schist, Marble, and Quartzite. 

So this is all about the difference between rocks and soil. The features of rocks and soil are quite significant in construction and they are used for various other purposes as well.

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