
What are the types of Political Systems? | UPSC Polity

Political Systems are political procedures through which decisions are made in a particular society on various aspects. Today we will be discussing in detail about types of the political system. There are three types of political systems and they are totalitarianism, authoritarianism, and democracy. They are further divided into many categories which are 

1)Absolutism: Absolutism is a political system that existed in the early modern period and it was characterized as the king’s reign whose power was tied to his person and ruled without the participation of state institutions. 

2)Aristocracy: Aristocracy means the rule of the best. This is the governance of a small group of elite people, it indicates that the state is managed by a limited group of exceptionally influenced and skilled people in the country. 

3)Autocracy: Autocracy means the system which draws their power from themselves. They combine all of the political system’s powers into a single force and remove any form of public involvement in state power. Autocracy is similar to a dictatorship.

 4)Dictatorship: Dictatorship is a type of political system which is characterized by a single person or a group of governors. A dictator has the power to rule the country without any limits and they would never claim to rule through free elections. Examples of dictatorships are Adolf Hitler and Stalin. 

5)Monarchy: Monarchy is described as a system in which the power is concentrated only in one person. It refers to the political system in which a monarch serves as the head of the country and rules the country as per their methods. 

6)Military regime: A military regime or a military government is a political system in which the army exercises executive control. The army’s influence can range from veto authority to complete state power absorption. 

7)Republic: The republic is a political system that believes in the common good and community. This is a type of political system in which the people have the power, and they have control over the majority of the state’s power. 

8)Anarchy: Anarchy is a type of political system in which there will be anti-movement and anti-political ideas and there is no governance included in this system. 

9)Democracy: Democracy is one of the major political systems in the country in which the whole population or the eligible members of the country have the power to choose their leaders and it is a way of governing that completely depends on the will of the people. Democracy simply means the power of the people. 

So this is all about types of the political system and their importance. Most of the countries in this world follow democracy and give people the power to choose the leaders so that the countries will progress and stay united.

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