
What Are The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism | UPSC International Relations

Nuclear Terrorism is a serious threat to the world because of the use of nuclear weapons that cause harm to people and the environment. If the nuclear weapons get into the wrong hands, they could cause a lot of destruction and harm. 

The consequences of a nuclear attack would be devastating. For instance, A nuclear explosion would release a large amount of energy and radioactive materials that could cause widespread damage and injury. 

People could be killed immediately, and those who survive would be at risk of suffering long-term health problems due to exposure to radiation. The immediate effects of a nuclear attack, there would be long-term consequences for the environment. 

The radioactive materials released into the environment could harm plants, animals, and make the area uninhabitable for many years. To prevent nuclear terrorism, it is important for the governments, and international organizations like International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) to work together to secure nuclear weapons and radioactive materials. 

This includes increase security at nuclear power plants and improving the control of radioactive materials. It is also important for countries to have domestic measures in place to prevent nuclear terrorism like strict controls on the possession and use of radioactive materials, and measures to detect and prevent the trafficking of nuclear materials.

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