
What are the reasons for Earthqaukes and their impact? | UPSC Geography

An earthquake is the trembling of the earth’s surface that is caused by the earthquake waves that are generated due to the sudden movement in the crust or mantle of the earth. There are various reasons for earthquakes and their impact causes a lot of damage to human life. 

The majority of earthquakes happen because the Earth’s crust doesn’t move for a long time. But in some cases, the rocks on either side deform over time because of the tectonic forces. 

Some of the natural reasons for earthquakes are 

· Volcanic eruption

· Faulting and folding

· Upward bend and downward bend

· Gaseous expansion

· Contraction inside the earth, plate movement, and landslides. Apart from the natural reasons they are man-made reasons for earthquakes are Deep underground mining, nuclear explosions, deep underground tunnel, and blasting of the rocks by dynamites during the construction process.

Distribution of Earthquakes 

The earthquake distribution coincides very relatively with the volcanoes. Because volcanoes are the major sources to cause earthquakes. The majority of the earthquakes happen to occur in the Circum-pacific belt, and some of the earthquakes happen near the Mediterranean-Himalayan belt. 

Impact Of Earthquakes 

Earthquakes cause a lot of damage to people. Many people die, and the survivors that are left lose their homes and other properties. Some of them face economic, and environmental damage as well. Major cities get destroyed by earthquakes, and water bodies will start flowing unnaturally. 

 When earthquakes happen underneath the oceans. The waves of the earthquake attack in the form of a Tsunami which causes even more damage to the people. 

Earthquakes happen because of their location. For example, Japan has the most earthquakes because the plates underneath the surface converge and it takes a heavy toll on human lives and property. Different locations have different impacts. Volcanoes, bomb blasts, and deep tunnel digging are the major reasons for the earthquake.

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