What Are The Major features of the Indian Constitution? -TopperMent

What Are The Major features of the Indian Constitution? | UPSC Polity

Indian constitution begins with a preamble and it contains the ideals, and principles of the constitution. Some major features of the Indian constitution have evolved directly and indirectly from the preamble. Today we are going to discuss those major features in detail.

1. lengthiest written constitution

The constitution of India is the lengthiest constitution written in the world. Because it has essential rights and detailed administrative instructions. India is a vast country and it needs to have detailed rules applied to different parts of the states that is why our constitution is the lengthiest in the world.

2. Prepared from many different sources.

The Indian constitution is prepared from constitutions taken from different countries. The fundamental rights, Judicial review, and impeachment of the president and supreme court judges are taken from the USA.

Single citizenship, Rule of law, and parliamentary system are taken from the UK. Appointment of Governors, Quasi Federal government system taken from Canada. Freedom of trade, concurrent list, and a joint sitting of 2 houses in the parliament is taken from Australia.

Fundamental duties, and Social, and economic justice were taken from USSR. Other important features are taken from Ireland, Germany, France, South Africa, and Japan as well.

3. Single Citizenship

Indian constitution has provided single citizenship. This means if anyone takes the citizenship of another country they will automatically lose the citizenship of India. This feature is taken from the British constitution.

4. Free Judiciary

The Judiciary has free to give decisions and it is not dependent on the Indian government. Many basic rights are given under the constitution of the Judiciary to enforce the fundamental rights using its power under articles 13 and 32.

5. Parliamentary form of Government

Again this feature is adopted from the British constitution. This type of government is called a Westminster form o government, In this, the executive is solely responsible and answerable to the legislature through various methods.

6. Blend of rigidity and flexibility.

The Indian constitution is not completely rigid and flexible. It is a mixture of both. There are various provisions which are under Article 368 which need a special majority including the matters affecting the policies of the state government.

7. Fundamental Duties.

Taking inspiration from USSR, the Indian government has added 11 fundamental duties because there was a need felt by the state that the citizens of India must follow these regular principles to show respect towards our nation.

The fundamental duties are:

1. Abide by the constitution and respect the national flag and national anthem.

2. Follow ideals of the freedom struggle

3. Protect sovereignty and integrity of India

4. Defend the country and render national services when called upon

5. Spirit of common brotherhood

6. Preserve composite culture

7. Preserve national environment

8. Develop scientific temper

9. Safeguard public property

10. Strive for excellence

11. Duty for all parents/guardians to send their children in the age group of 6-14 for education

8. Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights are the universal rights of every citizen of India. There are six fundamental rights which are the Right to equality, the Right to freedom, the Right against exploitation, the Right to freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and the Right to constitutional remedies.

9. Universal adult franchise

In India, All men and women have the equal right to vote. Each adult above the age of 18 years has the right to vote and choose their leader for the betterment of society.

10. Independent bodies

The Indian constitution has set up various independent bodies and given them powers to ensure the constitutional provisions like Election Commission, Finance Commission, and CAG.

Conclusion: So these are some of the major features of the Indian constitution. All of them are important and they have a major role in our country.

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