
What are the major elements of the earth’s crust? | UPSC Geography

There are different layers of the earth that are crust, core, and mantle. The crust is very thin, and it contains both oceans and landmasses. The majority of the elements are found within the earth’s crust.

· There are 92 naturally occurring elements, right from hydrogen to uranium. Out of all that Oxygen is the most abundant element of the earth’s crust. Nearly half of the mass of the crust is oxygen, a highly reactive element that is combined with other elements to form compounds. 

· Next element of the earth’s crust is Silicon. It is a metalloid, and it accounts for 28% of the earth’s crust mass. When Silicon is combined with oxygen, they form silicate materials like Silicon dioxide and other crystal rocks. Silicon is also used in the manufacturing of electronics and computer chips.

· Aluminum is the common element found in the earth’s crust. The earth’s aluminum is combined with other elements to form compounds. They are used for various purposes like kitchen foils and also rocket manufacturing. 

 · Iron is one of the significant elements in the Earth’s crust. It is obtained from minerals and most of the iron is used to make steel. Iron is also an important nutrient in the human body.

· Calcium is the major alkaline earth element in the earth’s crust. It is a reactive element that forms compounds with oxygen and water. Calcium is used for preparing gypsum board, chalk, and toothpaste.

· Sodium is another alkali metal found in the earth’s crust. It is a highly reactive element, and it is a significant ingredient in baking soda, caustic soda, and borax. Sodium is also used for lamps that produce a bright yellow-orange light that is widely used to light roads.

· Potassium is the common element found in the earth’s crust. This is an extremely reactive element found in numerous compounds. Potassium is used in fertilizers, soaps, and detergents.

· Magnesium is found in compounds and it is used as an antacid and laxative. In industries, magnesium and aluminum are used together for the construction of aircraft. 

All the major elements of the earth’s crust. Each element has its own significance and they are used for various purposes like manufacturing various products.

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