
Types of Government And Their Significance | UPSC Polity

There are different types of governments worldwide. A government is a group of members that provide parameters for citizens and provide policies for the well-being of the citizens. Today we will be discussing in detail the types of government. 

Governments are in charge of making laws, rules, and regulations. They also have legal systems that identify the acts that are legal and illegal. A government’s head will have advisers and ministers in several positions. They are called administration. 

These are the types of government. Plato listed out five kinds of government in the Republic. They are Democracy, Aristocracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, and communism. Let’s check them out in detail. 

1)Democracy– Democracy is one of the most common forms of government. In this form of government, people have the right to vote for their preferred representatives during elections. Democracy refers to the governance that is by the people, of the people, and for the people. The democratic form of government is in India and US. 

2)Monarchy– Monarchy is a type of government that is headed by a king or queen who is from a royal family. There are absolute monarchies and constitutional monarchies, in an absolute monarchy, the ruler’s powers don’t have any restrictions. The constitutional monarchies are limited by a document known as the constitution. The monarchies still exist even today, such as the UK and Commonwealth, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia. 

3)Aristocracy– Aristocracy is a form of government, it is administrated by the members of the ruling class who are generally from the prosperous family. They have a set of ideas, and policies which are implemented immediately in the government. 

4)Dictatorship– A dictatorship is a form of government that is ruled by a single individual who has complete authority over the citizens. They don’t have any laws, constitutions, or other social and political institutions. Dictators like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini are examples. 

 5)Communism– Communism is generally founded on the communist philosophy which was expounded by Karl Max and also by Vladimir Lenin. Communist governments are controlled by a single party or a group of people. The citizens in the communist governments are often assigned specific occupations

Examples of communist governments are China, Cuba, and Vietnam. 

So this is all about the types of government. They play an important role in the globalization development of the country and an essential and good government must be required which serves as a system of shared rules and cooperation with the government which would be beneficial for the entire society.

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