
Types Of Biochemical Cycles And Their Significance | UPSC Science and Technology

Biochemical Cycles, it is also known as Biogeochemical cycles. It is a process that describes the movement of elements and molecules between living organism and the environment. There are four types of biochemical cycles that are important for the balance of ecosystems.

1) Carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle is the process of how carbon moves through the environment. Carbon is present in the atmosphere as Carbon dioxide(Co2) that is taken in by plants during photosynthesis. It is also released into the atmosphere through respiration and decomposition. It can be stored in the ground as fossil fuels.

2) Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen cycle is the process of how Nitrogen moves through the environment. It is present in the atmosphere as Nitrogen gas that is taken by certain bacteria that convert it into a form that plants can use. Nitrogen is returned to the environment through waste, and decomposition. 

3)Phosphorous Cycle

Phosphorous is present in soil and rock, and it is released through weathering. Plants absorb phosphorous through their roots and animals obtain phosphorous by eating plants or other animals. It is returned to the environment through waste, and erosion.

4)Water Cycle

Water evaporates from bodies of water and plants, forming clouds. Precipitation returns from the water to the earth, and it can be absorbed by plants or flow into bodies of water. It can be seep into the ground and become groundwater that is used by plants and animals

Biochemical cycles are important for the balance of ecosystems. Understanding these cycles can help us understand how we impact the environment and how we can reduce the negative impact.

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