
The Glorious Reign Of The Cholas | UPSC History

The Cholas were a dynasty that ruled over a significant part of South India from the 9th to the 13th centuries CE. They were known for their extensive trade and naval power, as well as their architectural achievements.

Origins and Rise of the Cholas

  • The Chola dynasty emerged as a local power in the region of Thanjavur in present-day Tamil Nadu.
  • The founder of the dynasty was Vijayalaya Chola, who established the Chola Kingdom in the 9th century CE.
  • The Cholas initially faced competition from the Pallavas and Pandyas, but their military prowess and strategic alliances helped them expand their territory.

Golden Age of the Cholas

  • The 10th and 11th centuries CE are considered the Golden Age of the Cholas.
  • During this period, the Cholas established a vast empire that stretched from present-day Andhra Pradesh in the north to Sri Lanka in the south.
  • The Cholas were known for their naval power and controlled important trade routes in the Indian Ocean.
  • They also built several impressive temples and other architectural structures, including the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur.

Administration and Society

  • The Cholas had a sophisticated administrative system that included officials at the village, district, and central levels.
  • The king was the ultimate authority, but he relied on a council of ministers and advisors.
  • The Chola society was divided into different castes, but there was social mobility and opportunities for upward mobility.

Decline of the Cholas

  • The decline of the Chola dynasty began in the 12th century CE due to internal strife and external invasions.
  • The Pandya and Hoysala kingdoms challenged the Chola power, and the Cholas lost their dominance in the Indian Ocean trade.
  • The dynasty finally came to an end in the 13th century CE when it was conquered by the Pandyas.

Legacy of the Cholas

  • The Cholas left a lasting impact on South Indian culture and society.
  • Their architectural achievements, such as the Brihadeeswarar Temple, continue to inspire awe and admiration.
  • The Cholas also played a significant role in the development of Tamil literature and language.

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