
Strengthening Global Security: Missile Technology Control Regime | UPSC International Relations

Missile Technology Control Regime(MTCR) is a multilateral export control regime that is aimed at controlling the spread of missiles and missile technology that is capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction(WMDs). The Regime was formed in 1987 and it has 35 member countries. 

The main objective of the MTCR is to restrict the transfer of missile technology that can be used for the delivery of WMDs. It seeks to prevent the spread of missiles and their related technology that can carry payloads beyond a certain range. The MTCR operates on the basis of voluntary adherence to a set of guidelines and annexes that define the range, payload capacity, and other technical characteristics of missiles that are subject to the regime’s control. 

The guidelines also set out the criteria for evaluating applications for transfers of missile-related items and technology It has been successful in liming the spread of missile technology to countries that pose a threat to international security. However, some countries have not joined the regime and they have violated the guidelines. 

Even the MTCR member countries have been involved in the transfer of missile technology to non-member countries. 

The MTCR is an important multilateral initiative to prevent the spread of missile technology and WMDs. However, its effectiveness depends on the voluntary adherence of its member countries to its guidelines.

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