
Rise of RealPolitik in India | UPSC International Relations

RealPolitik is a type of political system that is not based on any beliefs, or ethics, and it is completely based on realistic, and practical ideas. Historically India’s approach to the global order has been grounded in the principles of realpolitik. 

India was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement which means a grouping of countries that were not formally aligned with the United States or the Soviet Union during the cold war. But the fall of the Soviet Union paved the way for the Indian reinvention. 

Indian Realpolitik in recent times. 

1. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Indian relations with the united states significantly improved. During the era of Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the trip to the USA brought a closer and qualitatively new relationship between the United States and India. 

2. At the same time, India’s relationship with Japan has improved a lot. Many Japanese companies are household names in India. It is also one of the largest sources of foreign direct investment in India. 

3. India’s closeness with Russia has brought many problems after Ukraine War. Many powerful countries in the world want India to take a stand on their relationship with Russia. But India stood their ground and remained neutral in this situation. 

4. There will be more challenges ahead in the coming future, As Russia has signed agreements with Pakistan to improve military relations and construct the gas pipeline. The Russia and China relationship has also increased in the past year. 

India should be careful to avoid the outbreak of war with either country. India’s strategic alignments in forging new alliances and partnerships. India has managed to increase its stature in the international system, and fulfill its economic and military needs.

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