How Did Stars and Planets Form In The Universe | Best UPSC IAS Coaching For Guidance and Mentorship

How Did Stars and Planets Form In The Universe? | UPSC Geography

Stars and Planets are celestial bodies and they have been in this universe for billions of years. We will discuss in detail the formation of stars and planets. Formation of Stars Stars come in a variety of masses and the mass determines the star’s shine and how it dies. Every star goes through seven stage cycles.

They start as a gas cloud and their last stage is a star remnant. A star takes birth from a large cloud of gas and dust that are scattered throughout the galaxies. With these clouds, the sufficient mass of gas and dust can begin to collapse because of the gravitational attraction. The cloud collapses and the material at the center begins to heat up which is called a protostar. Most of the stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium deep in their interiors. The outflow of energy from the central regions of the star provides the pressure which is necessary to keep the star from falling under its weight. The process of gas and dust in the space between stars collapses into a dense ball of gas this is called the prestellar core and this becomes the sun. Even after the Sun is created, the gas still falls onto the mass and after millions of years this process halts then a new star is born.

Eventually, the planets are formed with the leftover material and they become a solar system. The life of a solar system is 10 billion years. Formation of Planets The formation of planets in our vast solar system is believed to be formed from the spinning disc of dust formed from the sun. Most planets are formed by the particles colliding and sticking together as they orbit the star in the disc of gas and dust. 

The Big Bang Theory by Edwin Hubble in 1920 proved that the universe is expanding. All of the matter that made up the universe existed in a single location and around a 13.7billion years ago it exploded with a big bang. After the first stage of formation, a star made up of gas within a nebula is surrounded by the gases. The second stage is the gas surrounding the core is condensed into planetesimals. In the final stage, the Planetesimals form and former larger planet bodies. Our solar system came into existence 5 billion years ago and it consists of nine planets, asteroids, satellites, and one sun. 

Different theories discussed the birth of stars and planets. Every star and planet formation starts with the same procedure.

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