Features in American and UK Constitution A Comparative Analysis | Best UPSC IAS Coaching For Guidance and Mentorship

Features in American and UK Constitution: A Comparative Analysis | UPSC Polity

Constitutions are fundamental documents that establish the framework of governance in a country. The United States of America (USA) and the United Kingdom (UK) have two prominent constitutions that shape their political systems

Written vs. Unwritten Constitution:

The American Constitution is a written constitution, meaning it is a single document that codifies the fundamental laws and principles of the nation. On the other hand, the UK Constitution is largely unwritten, consisting of a collection of statutes, court judgments, conventions, and historical documents. It lacks a single, comprehensive written document.

Separation of Powers:

Both the American and UK constitutions emphasize the concept of separation of powers, which divides the powers of the government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judiciary. This separation ensures a system of checks and balances, preventing the concentration of power in any one branch.

Presidential vs. Parliamentary System Constitution:

One significant difference between the American and UK constitutions lies in their political systems. The USA follows a presidential system, where the President is both the head of state and the head of government. In contrast, the UK operates under a parliamentary system, where the Prime Minister is the head of government, and the monarch serves as the ceremonial head of state.

Bill of Rights:

The American Constitution includes the Bill of Rights, which is a set of the first ten amendments that guarantee individual rights and freedoms. These rights include freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms. In contrast, the UK does not have a codified Bill of Rights, but individual rights are protected through common law, statutory laws, and international human rights conventions.

Federalism vs. Unitary State:

The American Constitution establishes a federal system of government, where power is divided between the federal government and individual states. Each state has its own constitution and has certain powers reserved for itself. On the other hand, the UK Constitution establishes a unitary state, where power is concentrated in the central government, and devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have limited powers granted by the central government

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