China's String of Pearls: A Maritime Strategy for Global Dominance-TopperMent

China’s String of Pearls: A Maritime Strategy for Global Dominance | UPSC International Relations

The String Of Pearls is a concept that is proposed by United States Political researchers in 2004. It is a term that helps us to understand the Chinese military network and commercial facilities along the Sea lines of communication that extend from China’s mainland to Port Sudan in Africa. 

This strategy is developed by China to protect its trade market, and most of the business happens through the Indian Ocean. The defense strategists think that the relationship between China and Pakistan’s economic corridor and they have brought up the One belt and One road initiative that can be a major threat to India’s national security. This strategy would encircle India in such a way that it threatens the power, trade, and territorial aspects as well. The impact of this strategy on India is that it endangers Indian maritime security because China is on a mission to develop more firepower with submarines, and ships

Not only that it will also affect Indian resources and have a huge impact on the Indian economy. China has provided its support to Pakistan and the construction of the Gwadar port which is also a major threat, and if there is a naval military base developed in the port then it would allow China to conduct warfare in the Indian Ocean region. The counter for this String of Pearls would be India should focus on developing ports in Iran, Central Asian Countries, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Singapore. The training of the navy should be prioritized and build strong coastal radar networks in Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, and Seychelles.

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