China's Belt and Road Initiative: The World's Most Ambitious Infrastructure Project-TopperMent

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: The World’s Most Ambitious Infrastructure Project | UPSC International Relations

The China’s Belt and Road Initiative formerly known as One Belt One Road. It is a global infrastructure development strategy that is adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 to invest in nearly 150 countries and international organizations. It is the central policy of Chinese leader Xi Jinping. 

The arm of the BRI project that links mainland China to the Arabian sea connects from Kashgar in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Region to Gwadar port in Pakistan. This project enters the Indian territory that is occupied by Pakistan. 

The BRI is called the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor consists of multiple modern highway and railway projects, and also Karakoram highway that goes from Khunjerab Pass t the Islamabad, and the upgrading of the highway links to the north of the Line Of Control(LoC) 

India opposes BRI 

· The main reason why India is opposing the BRI is that the China will strengthen will influence over countries, and majority of the jobs and contracts will be given to the Chinese firms.

· There is also a lack of transparency, and it is believed that Strings of pearl strategy is used by China to encircle India to strengthen its military presence.

· Another main reason is Border issues with China on both east and west front.

India Countering BRI. 

India is ready to counter BRI with some projects like:

· Project Mausam to other the communication links with Indian ocean countries.

· Sagarmala projects for connectivity and infrastructure.

· International North South Transport Corridor.

· Building Naval ports across Madagascar, Seychelles, and Mauritius. 

· Indian Ocean Rim Association. 


Ever since the beginning of this project, India has been a major target even though it has not been conveyed directly. On the other hand, China is arguing that India would be isolating itself by staying out this project.

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